Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"Affliction shall not rise a second time" says the lord.

It was about 6am on saturday the 16th of may 2004, my phone was ringing so loud i had to get up, it was my mum and i was wondering why she was calling me that early. i picked up my phone and said "good morning mum" she replied in a troubled tone and said "good morning baby, sorry i had to wake you up but this is really important and i want you to listen carefully" i sat up immediately and i said "mummy, is there a problem? is everything alright?" "i just had a terrible dream about your brothers that one of them had a bandage around his head and his right tigh."

Now, at this point i was worried because my mum is a prayer warrior and i had known with time that her dreams were to be taken very seriously. she continued saying "please tell them not to get into any fight with anyone pls, i am going to be at uncle dele's wedding but i'll fast and pray allday today for them. Please get this message accross to them as soon as you can. i love you baby" and i replied saying "i love you too mum and il call them right away."

I got up immediately after my mum's call and dailed my younger brother's phone and my elder brother picked it up and i narrated mum's call and told him to pass the message on to our younger brother. He was also worried because we always took dreams from my mum very seriously. He had just finished his 3rd year in medical school and the results were out.

The next day, which was a sunday morning, my brothers went to church (BLW in igbinedion university) and came back to their hostel at about 11am. Marvin Solomon, a friend of ours from lagos who also attended igbinedion university had just arrived from lagos with a car hire from 1004 estates where he lived and the taxi was to return to lagos immediately so my elder brother decided to take the free ride home with his excellent results in his 2nd MBBS.

They had driven out of the school gate towards the community bank in okada (1minute from the school gate) when a mechanic was test driving a car and ran into their car. The school hospital was just 2 minutes away and people around the area immediately rushed my brother to the hospital as the doctors said "he needs to be referred to UBTH immediately because he has a head injury and his right femur has been fractured, he is also comatosed so pls wait for the ambulance". At this point, my younger brother was already with him, he called me asap to give me a feed back on the true situation as i was not with them but in lagos to collect fresh orders of the "GLITZ" magazine i did weekend jobs with.

My mum called me "Ojia, please head back to school right away to see what exactly is going on please" and at this point, pandemonium was an understatement for what i truly felt. Andrenaline pumped through my system like oxygenated blood. The ambulance had still not arrived and we had to move my brother to the teaching hospital in Ugbowo Benin. I literarilly ran to Edegbe line to meet with the last bus but they had closed, so did eagle line and delta line because it was a sunday evening already. the ambulance never came BTW (by the way) and my younger brother Irawo had to get my elder brother Imole to the teaching hospital with help from Wale Ojo, a 4th year computer science student of the institution who had a car.

Events changed as he got to UBTH as he was placed on oxygen immediately, a colar round his neck and bandages roung his forehead n right femur just as my mum has said in her dream. Irawo spent the night in the ICU with Imole as we spoke on the phone every 20 minutes talking bout his vital signs and if he had woken up from the coma. My parents on the other hand were saying prayers and also calling us for more news on his comatosed state.

The next morning, i got up from my bed, (oh, i didnt get any sleep at all) after saying all the prayers i knew best with all my heart, heading straight to Eagle line in yaba with a collegue of mine called Vivian Gilbert (now Mrs Vivian Kenedy) and just as we were crossing the road Irawo called me and said "Ojia there's no use he is dead" i asked him gently in the calmest voice i could use to check again that it couldnt be. He repeated the same statement with him wailing for the first time in his life. I was in the middle of the road and i started wailing and screaming from my insided and cars just kept going left and right away from me like as if they had just seen a mad black woman in rage.

Vivian dragged me off the road to the car-park as we managed to chatter a 504 station wagon to okada. The jouney was the worst i had ever encountered. We sang worship songs to God as i also question him as to why he could let this be. We got to Okada and i went straight to see irawo and held him with all my heart as we cried in each others arms as he was now my only brother.
We went straight to Benin where my Dad's cousin (An Aglican priest) was awaiting our arrival, lolade Adamson and Bukola Afariogun were with us at this point.

Sleepless in seatle was my case as i had to type out the program for the internment which was to hold the very next day. Finishing the program about 4am that morning i tried to nap for that day would be a day we would have to be strong for.

Uncles and Aunties flew in from lagos that morning with letters from my Dad to be read at the internment, and Imole's final resting place was put together. However, after the burial, a student stood up and said she had something very important to say, we all listened as she said " i am so happy today and i want you all to be happy " at this point, i felt like giving her the beating of a life time but i was compelled to listen as she continued " Imole and i met for the first time yesterday in church and why i am so glad is because he rededicated his life to God yesterday and i was his councellor and we prayed just 30 minutes to his accident and i can proudly tell you that i know he is resting in God's bossom for that is the ultimate." I ran straight to her and gave her a hug and said "thank you."

"He was born on the 18th day of April 1983 and he died in God's bossom on the 17th of May 2004 and was burried on the 18th of may 2004" His name......... Imole Seth Ajileye Adamolekun.

Please i use this opportunity to appeal to the Nigerian Government to please equip all hospitals with constant light, {#Lightupnigeria} and Ambulances and Good doctors for if my brother was given some Rescusitation, he would have survived.
If the ambulance functioned, he would have survived.
If there were no reckless drivers he would have survived.
If there were airbags in the cab, he would have survived.
This could have been anyone's son, brother, and friend.

Stay blessed.......
N.B :This is a true life story


  1. 'this could have been anyone's son, brother, and friend...'

    This could have been me, or you.

    We need help in Nigeria.

    We're all on deathrow; in fact, we're walking corpses sef...
    God be with you dear, and may the dead RIP... May He be with the rest of us still breathing Oxygen...

  2. May his soul RIP......lost my aunt 2 cancer sm years bak n a 1wk later a couple of friends in a plane crash. At d@ point I stopd praying cuz I felt I prayed 4 my aunt, even fasted n she still died n one of my friends mum ws our sunday skul tcha wen we wr kids she served God diligently. D other was an only child of his mum. I felt God had forsaken his own. But in his infinite mercies, still gave me d grace 2 realize we can't ve answers 2 all our questions, all we ve 2 do is trust him n his grace will c us thru.

  3. cnt bear to imagine wht u went thru, bt i knw tht in all things God is still God and will always be good to us

  4. Even thou I neva knew him, d little I read says a lot about him...tanx for givin me d opportunity to knw u more n also share ur hurt n pain not jst d gud times.

    U truly are sweet...sweetness!!!

  5. Thank you, Daddy, because Your Mercy did not fail... the devil failed. May you laugh at the last Sweetness

  6. Hello, sorry for your lost. I also attended Igbinedion University but I never met your brother. I saw on your post that you knew Marvin Solomon I am currently trying to get in touch with him but I have lost all contacts. Do you still know anything about him?

  7. And now irawo too is gone! Dis is so sad! Crying* irawo was too sweet

  8. Now Irawo? May God grant your family the fortitude to bear d irreparable loss

  9. Now the other brother is dead cut shot in his prime by some lunatic. God punish his killer in this life and the hereafter.

  10. My prayers are with u dear, wwords fail me nw as tears roll down my eyes. I just read of ur brothers deatj 2day and I can't but ask God why again? But in all things I know God is aware and will comfort u and ur family. When we get to heaven, it will all be well as I know that God will take dis pain away from u. Be strong in the Lord dear, it is not easy but I'll rembr u in prayers.

    ****Mufasa Said

  11. this is sad..the same writer just lost the only brother Irawo whose nname was mentioned here 2days ago as he was shot by an armed robber point blank at anthony...assassin?..robbery attack? one knows the motive for now as he was said to have refused to give the robber anything.Nigeria has taken all this writer has.this is the saddest place to live on earth!

  12. Hi Ojia,

    You may not know me, but I know now, that we had some form of affiliation.
    I read about the loss of IRAWO (RIP) your younger brother, some minutes head began to spin...many years ago, I sat beside a fellow class mate (in COMMAND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL, BONNY CAMP) with a unique name-Imole Seth Adamolekun!
    We were not very close friends, but I remember clearly that he kept teaching me how to pronounce his surname dozens of times. I also remember that , he always talked about you & Irawo, and how you all were going to be doctors ( funny enough, I remember you & your brother always coming around...) I was very inquisitive back then- I remember asking him why he and his siblings had such unique names, and what they meant; I fantasized giving my children those names... (That was a funny habit of mine)
    I remember quizzing him as to why he was named SETH, because I misrepresented it as CAIN in the Bible- He corrected me, telling me that CAIN & SETH were not the same... all these came back to me vaguely this morning, as I saw IRAWO's picture...I racked my brain, trying to remember how that surname ADAMOLEKUN sounded so familiar in my brain.. Immediately it clicked- Imole’s baby brother of course! Oh dear!! Immediately I thought- why don’t I Google up this guy, & send a condolence message to him, on behalf of his brother. I was hoping to make Imole laugh again, hoping that he'd remember me, hoping that it would bring back cheerful memories , & soften thoughts of his brothers loss; Little did I know that IMOLE had gone to be with the lord!
    As I goggled up Imole’s name, I kept seeing Imole Adamolekun...gone too soon... HABA! Was Google search confused??? I know Irawo just passed on, but my desire was to see Imole or Ojia....and then I stumbled on this blog...

    As I sit at my desk in the office, worrying about promotion, salary increase, fuel scarcity...marriage rites....your blog hit me in the face! I couldn’t hold back the tears; my hands froze over my keyboard...! God, you know best how to comfort Mom & Dad & Ojia. Please make her know that all this has happened for a purpose. Ojia dear, God is trying to draw your attention to Him even more. He has a purpose for you; a destiny that only YOU can fulfill, a story only you can tell. Be strong darling, all this has happened for a purpose. Please be strong for Dad & Mom.
    My condolence to the family: I miss the boys Imole & Irawo. God will forever be your shining Light. Fear is gone forever...


  13. It is well, i am always and will always be praying for you and your family. Please listen to this song by Deon Kipping titled "Whats Coming Is Better"

  14. I want to share a great testimony on this website on how great Priest Babaka help me in falling pregnant,me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for over 4years, but they where no luck so we decided to contact the family doctor and after all the test have been done,he said to us that my fallopian tube is not functioning.then one day i was in the office when a friend of mine who have the same problem with me, fall pregnant after she contacted Priest Babaka .she directed me to him and when i contacted him through his email and he did the purification on the pregnancy spell and i used his herbal remedy , in 2weeks time i was feeling some how and i went to meet the family doctor who told me that i am pregnant.if you know that you have a similar problem like this, or any fertility issue and you want to be pregnant you can contact Priest Babaka via Email: or Facebook at priest.babaka

    I want to share a great testimony on this website on how great Priest Babaka help me in falling pregnant,me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for over 4years, but they where no luck so we decided to contact the family doctor and after all the test have been done,he said to us that my fallopian tube is not functioning.then one day i was in the office when a friend of mine who have the same problem with me, fall pregnant after she contacted Priest Babaka .she directed me to him and when i contacted him through his email and he did the purification on the pregnancy spell and i used his herbal remedy , in 2weeks time i was feeling some how and i went to meet the family doctor who told me that i am pregnant.if you know that you have a similar problem like this, or any fertility issue and you want to be pregnant you can contact Priest Babaka via Email: or Facebook at priest.babaka
