Tuesday, June 7, 2011


                                           THE CARE OF A SICK PERSON
                                           WHEN THERE'S NO DOCTOR.

The care of a sick person is one of the easiest thing that can be done by anyone when or if the need be.

This topic is one of my favorites from a book called “where there is no doctor”.

Sickness weakens the body. To gain strength and get well quickly, special care is needed. The care a sick person receives is frequently the most important part of his treatment.

A person who is sick should rest in a quiet, comfortable place with plenty of fresh air and light. He or she should be kept from getting too hot or cold. If the air gets cold, or the person is chilled, cover him or her with a sheet or a blanket. But if the weather is hot or the person has a fever, do not cover him at all.

In nearly every sickness, especially when there is fever or diarrhea, the sick person should drink plenty of fluids: water, tea, juices, broths, etc.

It is important to keep the sick person clean. He or she should be bathed everyday and if they were too sick to get out of bed, tepid sponging would be the next best thing to do, wash him or her with a sponge or cloth and lukewarm water. His or her clothes, sheets and covers must also be kept clean.

If the sick person feels like eating, let them. Most sicknesses do not require special diets.  A sick person should drink plenty of liquids and eat bodybuilding and nourishing foods like milk, cheese, chicken, eggs, meat, fish, beans, green vegetables, and fruits.

If the person is vey weak, give then these same foods in liquid or soup forms. Energy forms are especially important for example, yam porridge, maize porridge, plantain or even cassava porridge. Adding a little sugar and vegetable oil will increase the energy. Sweetened drinks will also assist the recovery process.


It is extremely important that a very sick person should be taken to the hospital and before you do, it is important that this person drinks enough fluids or liquids. If he or she can only drink a little at a time, give small amounts often. If they can barely swallow, give sips every 5 or 10 minutes.

Measure the amount of liquids the person takes in each day. An adult needs to drink 2litres or more everyday and should pass out urine 3 to 4 times daily. If the person is not drinking or urinating enough, and begins to show signs of dehydration, encourage him or her to drink some more. Nutritious liquids are advised here and usually with a little salt added to replace lost fluids. If the person cannot drink enough, please take the person to the nearest clinic or hospital around so intravenously, fluids can be passed.

If the person is too sick to eat solid food, give soups, milk, juices, and broths. Porridge of yam, maize or plantain is also advisable but should be given with bodybuilding foods. If the person can only eat little at a time, then several small meals should be given regularly.

Personal cleanliness is very important for a very ill person; he should be bathed everyday with warm water. Change the bedclothes daily and each time they become dirty.

Handle soiled items with care; wash them in hot soapy water.

A person who is very weak and cannot turn over alone should be helped to change position in bed many times each day and this way there is prevention of bed sores.

Frequent changing of position will also help prevent pneumonia. A constant danger for anyone who is very weak or ill and must stay in bed for a long time: If the person has a fever and also begins to cough with fast breathing, shallow breaths, he or she probably has pneumonia.

You should watch for any change in the sick person’s condition that may tell you whether he or she is getting better or worse.

Here are lists of dangerous symptoms that warn you that the person’s sickness is serious or dangerous. If you ever see these signs or symptoms with the sick person, pls accelerate the speedometer a little to get them safe to the hospital, medical / health care centers or clinics.

1.     Loss of large amounts of blood from anywhere in the body.
2.     Coughing up blood.
3.     Marked blueness of lips and nails.
4.     Great difficulty in breathing; does not improve with rest.
5.     The person cannot be wakened (coma)
6.     The person is so weak he faints when he stands.
7.     A day or more without being able to urinate.
8.     A day or more without being able to drink any liquids.
9.     Heavy vomiting or diarrhea that lasts for more than 1 day or more than a few hours in children.
10. Black stools like tar, or vomit with blood.
11. Strong, continuous stomach pains with vomiting in a person who does not have diarrhea or cannot have a bowel movement.
12. Any strong continuous pain that lasts for more than 3days.
13. Stiff neck with arched back, with or without stiff jaws.
14. More than one fit (convulsions) in someone with fever or serious illness.
15. Weight loss over an extended time.
16. Blood in urine.
17. Sores that keep growing and do not go away with treatment.
18. A lump in any part of the body that keeps getting bigger.
19. In pregnancy; any bleeding during pregnancy.
20. Swollen legs and face and trouble with seeing in the last months.
21. Long delay once the waters have broken and labor has begun.
22. Severe bleeding.

Have a wonderful week………

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding story there. What occurred after? Good luck!
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