Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Decrease in Voluntary Blood Donors affects us all.

With less than 10 percent of Nigerians donating blood voluntarily, the country is currently reeling under the onslaught of serious shortage of safe blood and blood products, even as opinion leaders in the country, particularly, those in the rural communities have been urged to lead by example by donating blood voluntarily.
Nigeria is currently faced with a situation, whereby 60 percent of all blood donations are from commercial donors and 30 percent from family replacement.
Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, remarked that 1,130,000 units of blood are collected annually in the country through the various types of donations as against 1,336,000 estimates of blood units required.
The deficit, according to the Minister, has resulted in numerous preventable death especially among women and children and people living with certain diseases.
Making the call during a blood donor drive organised by the Lagos State Blood Transfusion Committee, LSBTC, in conjunction with the State Water Corporation, Mr. Solomon Eka, Member, LSBTC, maintained that as long as Nigerian opinion leaders are opposed to blood donation, the country will remain far from attaining the required blood units for survival of patients.
“Presently there are some opinion leaders that do not support blood donation. If these opinion leaders are meant to have a change of attitude, and also demonstrate by donating blood, their followers will also follow suit. So we need the opinion leaders to drive the campaign in the communities. To let people know that blood donation is not risky and is not having any negative effect.”
In his lecture entitled; “Importance of Voluntary Blood Donation”, Eka  explained that regular blood donation also helps refresh an individual’s blood. He said the State blood donation drive  has helped  discover hidden diseases in many persons walking around with  blood disorders without knowing. Encouraging  cultivation of the culture of donating blood every three months, he explained that not every donated blood is useable.
“It is not everybody that can donate, you must attain certain criteria before you donate, which include; you must be 50 kg and above, blood pressure must be normal, PVC must at an acceptable level to avoid any unforeseen crisis. Only healthy people aged 18 -65 are likely to donate blood,” he added.
Chief Matron, Lagos State Water Corporation Staff Clinic, Aderoju Olusola, who noted that the exercise was part of their monthly health talk aimed at inculcating healthy living into the staff of the corporation.
Olusola, who acknowledged that most Nigerians are afraid to donate blood out of fear, said donors stand to gain refreshed blood as well as prolonged life.
Voluntary blood donation also helps to assist persons in need of blood, accident victims, cancer patients, sickle cell anaemia patients and pregnant women in labour among others.
Source: Vanguard

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