Thursday, September 26, 2013

e-Pharmacy: Live in LUTH

As part of efforts to improve health information management in the nation’s hospitals, PFIZER Nigeria and East Africa Region has completed the e-pharmacy project at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba.
The company, in a statement in Lagos on Monday, stated that with the provision of the e-pharmacy, which is equipped with facilities that support internet connection for efficient drug information service, the hospital is now prepared for the transition from a paper-based system to an electronic health system.
The Director, Corporate Affairs and Communication, Pfizer Specialities, Mrs. Margaret Olele said with the completion of  the pharmacy, LUTH’s pharmacy would be able to store large databases of patients’ drugs needs and also  collate pharmacy-based data such as patients history checks and prescription costs.
Olele said, “This will definitely improve the quality of medical care. The scheme would increase patients’ access to quality medicine and improve health care systems in our communities.
This has set the standard for a simplified health system. “The journey started in 2011 and we are happy to see it to fruition. With this upgrade, there would be easy access to information, more accurate prescriptions, it will lower health care costs, reduce paperwork and give pharmacists more time to spend with their patients.”
Also, the Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Prof. Akin Oshibogun said the ICT-equipped pharmacy initiative was a cost effective approach towards reducing delay in treatment at the hospital. He said, “The e-pharmacy has advantages for both the hospital and the patients. This upgrade is an amazing progress in our care of patients. It is a cheaper and more effective way of handling cases.”

I pray PHCN can be more stable as it would help in the improvement of "EVERYTHING"


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