Saturday, September 28, 2013

Health Benefits of Yogurt

A nutritionist with the Wuse General Hospital in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, said yoghurt is good for the prevention of various diseases such as typhoid and coronary heart problems.
Hajiya Jummai Abdul said yoghurt can not only prevent heart diseases but also lower the risks of many ailments, including colon cancer.
“Yoghurt is a rich source of calcium and mineral that contributes to colon health and decreases the risk of colon cancer,’’ she said.
Yoghurt is also a great source of protein, calcium, Vitamin A,
and Vitamin B12 which were important for bone health, she added.
She said that yoghurt is also a good source of phosphorous,
riboflavin-Vitamin B2, Pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, iodine, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum.

“It also contains essential amino acids that cannot be produced by your body itself and must be provided for in your diet.’’
“Yoghurts that contain good bacteria or probiotics can help balance a
woman’s body, provide better health to certain body parts and naturally lower the PH levels of the vaginal tract,“ Abdul said.
She also explained that yoghurt can provide energy that helps in keeping the blood sugar levels constant and can keep one going on a busy day.
“The lactic acid in the yoghurt aids in the digestion of the milk calcium, making it easier to absorb.’’
Jummai explained that yoghurt has also been shown to be beneficial for inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disorders and arthritis.
“ Yoghurt can also shut down the bacterium responsible for ulcers.’’
She also explained that the bacterial cultures in yoghurt has been shown to stimulate infection-fighting white cells in the bloodstream.
“Eating yoghurt regularly can be beneficial to your health whether you’re a man or woman,’’she said.
Jummai spoke in an interview with NAN.

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