Friday, September 20, 2013

102 Arrested in Niger for Refusing Polio Vaccines

Niger state Government has commenced the enforcement of arrest of those who refuse to allow their wards to receive the Wild Polio Vaccine with 102 persons so far arrested.
The Director of Primary Health Care Development Agency, Dr Shehu Yabagi said in an interview Tuesday in Minna that the state has sought to enforce the law already passed by the state assembly on refusal of polio vaccine.

According to him:  “Some have paid fine for their action and others served various jail term to serve as deterrent  to others in the state”.
The Director stated that those arrested were from various parts of the state while maintaining that the government would not compromise in making sure polio is kicked out of the state through routine immunization.
He said to achieve the desired result must be through advocacy and enforcement of the various laws enacted by the government.
Yabagi stated that the advocacy must be through adequate mobilization of traditional rulers and religious leaders for acceptance of the polio vaccines by parents and guardians for their wards,
He reiterated that the vaccine would protect the children against the scourge of polio and negative consequence for the victims and their families saying that the vaccine is save.
‘’We have the last reported discovery of wild polio virus in 2012 and we must sustain the free status” he declared while commending all those who made it possible".

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