Friday, September 20, 2013

Don Calls for Improved Health Conditions for Elderly

A retired professor of public health, Prof. Muriel Oyediran has called on all tiers of government to provide conditions that promote quality of life for the elderly in Nigeria.
Oyediran gave this advice during her keynote address at a public lecture organized by the Faculty of Public Health, National Postgraduate Medical college of Nigeria, in Lagos.
At the programme tagged "Even Nigerians Grow Old: The Problems and Challenges of Ageing in
Nigeria", she said that the population of elderly was increasing and their well-being was becoming a public health concern.
"In Nigeria, poverty is widespread and elderly persons are at higher risk. Unfortunately, Nigerian Government does not provide social security to elderly and the supports from the family are fading out.
"Therefore, the well-being of elderly is compromised," she said.
Oyediran noted that the roles of the elderly in nation building at the various stages of their life could not be over-emphasised.
She said that they were the custodians of culture and tradition, mediators during conflict resolution and contributors in enforcing peace in their various communities.
"The younger generation will know little or nothing about culture and tradition if the elderly who are to educate them are not been properly preserved and taken care of, "she added
Oyediran said that the well-being of the elderly was paramount and needed utmost attention by government, private sector and caregivers for successful ageing to be achieved in Nigeria.
She urged government to provide programmes, services and facilities that would enable the elderly retain their ability to live useful  and productive lives.

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