Google+ Random Musing of a Doctor: Quick Medical Consults Release Fact Sheet on #wormfreezone project (images) expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'> Google+

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Quick Medical Consults Release Fact Sheet on #wormfreezone project (images)

Fact sheet on #WormFreeZone

#WormFreeZone is a Campaign created from Quick Medical Consult’s dream to de-worm 5 million Nigerian children, teach health education and raise awareness on Worm infestations and other neglected tropical diseases.

Key facts 

  • There are approximately 34 million kids in Nigeria
  • And at least 50% of these children have had or still has a worm infestation 
  • They contract these worms from walking around bare-foot, drinking unclean water, and eating unclean food 
  • In rural and urban areas in Nigeria, water used for drinking and domestic purposes, food and vegetables, the soil, and insect bites are all sources of parasitic infection.
  • Poor sanitation and hygiene, coupled with very little to no access to clean drinking water make these children especially susceptible.

What is Deworming?

Deworming sometimes known as worming or drenching is the giving of an anthelmintic drug (a wormer, dewormer, or drench) to a human or animal to rid them of helminths parasites, such as roundworm, flukes and tapeworm. These worms are often referred to as intestinal worms even though not all helminths resides in the intestines; but rather reside in the blood vessels. 

Who needs to be dewormed?

Children in rural and urban areas between the ages of 2-15years of age, need to be dewormed twice a year, for optimal physical and mental growth and development 

Importance of #WormFreeZone Campaign 
  • To educate people on health issues resulting from these parasitic worms 
  • To create awareness on neglected tropical diseases like helminthiasis. 
  • To prevent parasitic infections which can block internal organs or exert immense pressure in the gut. 
  • To teach the children and their parents proper hand washing technique and better standards of personal hygiene.

QMC Execution Agenda
  • Allocating resources
  • Building a Memorable Health Campaign 
  • Establishing Medical Administration points 
  • Instituting a Media Program to create and maintain Awareness 
  • Shaping Health Campaign Strategy as per Culture of the target area. 
  • Installing Visual Media Support 
  • Tying Rewards to Compliance Souvenirs 
  • Identifying underlying common diseases in the community and Health Education 

Follow @qmcworld on Facebook // Twitter // Instagram for more images...

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